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Chirpy -Chick`s Egg-Cellent Birthday

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    معرفی کتاب  Chirpy -Chick`s Egg-Cellent Birthday

    کتاب  Chirpy -Chick`s Egg-Cellent Birthday، اثر غلامرضا حیدری‌ ابهری با تصویرسازی سعید صفارنژاد؛ با بیانی ساده به روایت تولد جوجه از تخم پرداخته است.

    گزیده کتاب  Chirpy -Chick`s Egg-Cellent Birthday

    When a hen wants to have a baby, she lays an egg and then sits on it for twenty-one days. That's almost a whole month! During this entire time, the mother hen doesn't move around at all. She sits there patiently, day in and day out. Even when she is hungry or thirsty, or needs to freshen up, she only leaves her egg for a few short moments. Then she hurries right back, as quick as she can, to keep her precious little egg warm and cozy.